Sweaty Feet / Foot Odor
Sweaty Feet / Foot Odor
Sweaty feet (hyperhydrosis) and smelly feet (bromohydrosis) are two very common, annoying conditions of the feet. While some cases of excessive smelling or sweating of the feet are systemic (throughout the whole body) in nature, such as anemia (low blood count) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), these conditions are usually of a local cause.
The wearing of shoes that have synthetic materials, which most shoes have, especially tennis shoes, and socks that are of man made fabric are contributing factors of the production of excessive perspiration and the bacteria growth that causes this condition. These two conditions set up a condition called athletes foot.
There are medications and creams that are effective against these conditions. Oxistat is an excellent medication for tinea pedis. Bromi Talc and Bromi lotion are excellent for sweaty or smelly feet. Insoles and paraphin baths are also helpful in reducing the level of perspiration of the foot.